Garage Door Spring Calculator Software
To buy standard garage door torsion springs go directly to our torsion spring prices at the. You can use our Unmatched Springs Calculator to find a pair of matched. This page explains how to use our Free Online Torsion Spring Calculator. Our calculator gives you a real time. Torsion Spring Calculator Instructions.
Spring Creator is an advanced. This spring calculator will calculate the force and elasticity when it comes to torque, and degrees of deflection traveled. The following instructions will demonstrate how to use the Spring Creator tool as well as how its many features, like the availability of stock springs, will benefit your testing and prototyping phase. Step 1.) Choose Your Direction of Wind You can choose either left hand or right hand wind. It is very important to choose the correct direction of wind because your torsional spring can only torque or travel in the direction it’s wound in because winding your spring in the opposite direction will distort your torsion spring. Step 2.) Enter Your Spring Dimensions This is where you actually input your.
The dimensions required are wire diameter, outer diameter or inner diameter, active coils, length of leg 1 and 2 and a material type. Once you have filled these in, you may click on “Calculate” and review the results for your torsional spring design. To calculate the number of active coils on your spring if your working from a sample or used spring measure the body length then divide that number by the wire diameter then - minus one to get the correct amount of active coils. Example your wire diameter is.030 and your body length measures.180.180/.030 = 6 - 1 = 5 active coils. Note on active coils: You may enter any amount of active coils you wish like 2.25 active coils or 10.500 active coils the result will be given on our “Review your free position” section above step 3. Keys Bin For Psx Gameshark more. What this will show is the angular leg position of your springs legs which is very important.
If you have a spring with 2.25 active coils your spring will have a 90 degree free position. If your spring has 10.50 active coils your spring will have a 180 degree free position.
The formula to determine free position is as follows: Take the number to the right of the decimal (of the active coil) and times it by the 360 degrees to determine your free position in degrees. Example 1: 2.25 active coils:.25 * 360 = 90 degrees free position Example 2: 10.50 active coils:.500 * 360 = 180 degrees free position Material Types: Our coil torsion spring calculator also provides you with various types of material or wire types. Have different tensile strengths and some are specifically used for certain requirements such as environments with high temperatures or with a certain level of moisture.
If your spring isn’t being placed in a harsh environment and you don’t need any special requirements, music wire is the best and most economical option. Similar Stock Springs and Closest Stock Spring: As you design your spring, Spring Creator will search our to determine if your spring is available for immediate purchase. We can also provide you with the closest spring in stock to aid in prototyping stages, saving you time and money.
Step 3.) Review Your Answers Here is where you see all your torsion spring design results. Bud Powell Transcription Pdf Printer. From the smallest detail, to the most important details like rate per degree, maximum torque possible, maximum safe travel. You will find it all using Spring Creator. Rates and Torques: This is where you determine the strength of your spring. The torsion spring rate per degree will be highlighted in green since it is the “master” of your spring calculations. Rate per degree determines how much torque per degree you can obtain from your spring. On the section above Rates and Loads, you will notice that you are provided with your design’s closest spring in stock and the spring rate is also highlighted in green.
This is why it is the closest spring in stock, because it is the spring with the most common spring dimensions including spring rate. Couple this number with Maximum safe travel (in degrees) and you will know the maximum torque possible. Example if your spring has a rate per degree of.100 inch-lbs/degree and your maximum safe travel is 90 degrees then your maximum torque possible is 9 inch-lbs. Example:.100 inch-lbs/degree x 90 degrees of maximum safe travel = 9 inch lbs. Maximum Safe Travel: This section provides you with information regarding how much your torsion will be able travel (deflect) in degrees of distance. This is important because you can only go the maximum safe travel from your design and no further. If you induce more travel than the maximum safe travel the torsion spring will stress and fatigue and take a permanent set thus never returning to it’s original free position.