Alpha Mma Curriculum For Kids
Try our FREE, No Obligation Beginners Martial Arts Lessons for Adults! Alpha MMA has a very strict curriculum that we. Yourself to the gym for MMA and conditioning at 5:30am. Alpha has a class. Alpha omega recently moved to angleton, tx and now a member of the wvbjj association now accepting men,women,kids 5 and older mma training gi & no gi brazil.
Mixed Martial Arts is the fastest growing sport in the world today. If you are serious about the martial arts you need to get on board and you need to do so NOW! The Alpha MMA program is the most highly structured and well thought out program in existence. This professional tool will facilitate a paradigm shift in your personal training and professional business alike. The Alpha MMA program does away with the three-coach approach and seamlessly integrates all aspects of stand-up, takedowns and groundwork to provide you with the total MMA package.
This program is way ahead of its time. The Alpha MMA program consists of: • The complete Instructor Training Program DVD set • The complete Instructor Training Program reference manual (1500 pics) • The lesson-plan manual for the 24 class rotating curriculum • IPOD or compatible MP4 player video files giving a synopsis of each of the 24 classes • A special Introductory Sample MMA class DVD • A 'how to use this program' document 'Be at the forefront of the biggest paradigm shift in martial arts history.
The Alpha MMA program will equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to take your school to the next level'. ENGINEERED TO PERFECTION: The Alpha MMA curriculum has been authored by John Will who has also been engaged to design the defensive tactics and unarmed combat training packages for the Australian military, New Zealand police, Quantico marine corps, Australian Sky Marshall's, Australian federal police and other law enforcement agencies. CUTTING EDGE: The Alpha MMA program is underpinned by techniques and strategies that are completely new and at the bleeding edge of development. THREE ARTS - ONE COACH: The Alpha MMA program fully integrates and marries cutting edge stand-up skills, takedown strategies and BJJ-based ground-skills to form a seamless new product. Install Flash Operator Panel Asterisk Revealer. Foxconn H I41 Uatx Manual Transmission there. Color Atlas Of Hematology Glassy Pdf Creator.