The Connection Program Copyright

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The Connection is committed to providing opportunities for everyone. In addition to our own programs, we work in partnership with Our House, Inc to provide a variety of programs for children and adults with special needs. Descargar Solucionario Demidovich Pdf Reader. CLASSES AND PROGRAMS • Drop In & Play infants – 7 years Drop in play time in our big gym.

Child must be accompanied by an adult. Space is limited, passes are available at the Front Desk. You do not need to be a Connection member. Available on the following Sundays from 2:30-3:30pm: September 17, October 15, November 19, December 17, January 21, February 18, March 18, April 15, May 20 and June 10. • Young Athletes Special Olympics ages 2.5 – 4 & 5 – 7 Co-Sponsored with NJ Special Olympics, this program emphasizes sports and skill development in physical activity and play. Program develop the fundamental prerequisite skills to prepare students to be future athletes. • Special Needs Swim ages 3 – 6, ages 7-10, and ages 11+ Our special needs swim lesson (SNSL) provides 30 minutes of instruction provided by our trained staff and volunteers.

This program is designed to teach and improve each student’s swimming skills while working in a group environment to improve their focus, comfort, and overall understanding of safety in the pool Modern Methods For Robust Regression Pdf To Jpg. . • Adapted Aquatics ages 3 – Adult This one hour program provides individuals who are physically or intellectually challenged the opportunity to use the pool for exercise, learn basic swimming skills, be part of a social group, and play games while having fun in a safe aquatic environment.*Medical form must be completed and returned to The Connection one week prior to participation in program.. • Yoga ages 5 – 12 Fun stretches and poses designed to engage the body, mind and spirit. Modifications provided as needed. • Dance Foundations ages 5 – 8 & 9 – 12 Children are introduced to basic dance techniques through innovative and creative body movement.

Individual modifications to activities will be made as needed. • One-On-One Adaptive Fitness ages 12+ Supervised by a certified trainer, training is based upon input and direction from participants’ therapists. Evaluation and medical clearance necessary. Contact Russell Graham, 908-273-4242 x 113 to schedule an appointment. • Teen and Young Adult Social ages 13-30 Teens and young adults meet twice a month for an evening of fun and camaraderie on the following dates: November 3 & 17, December 1 & 15, January 5 & 19, February 2 & 16, March 2 & 16, April 6 & 20, May 4 & 18, June 1 & 15.

The Sensory Connection Program - activities for mental health treatment - by Karen M. Registered with the same application. But if different parties own the copyright in the program code and the screen displays, separate applications are required.

Download our A special THANK YOU to for their support of our Special Needs Programs. OUR PARTNERSHIPS • Club Oh! Sponsored by Our House, these monthly Friday night dances for adults with special needs are held at The Connection throughout the year. Digi Lan Tv7203 Software Store. For dates and info please contact Tory Kania at or 908-464-8008 x138 VOLUNTEERS Make a difference! Become a volunteer for our special needs classes. No experience required!

Contact Christina Piccirillo at or phone: 908-273-4242 ext 131. Categories, Post navigation.