Mystery Diners

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If you haven't seen Mystery Diners, imagine asking your precocious five-year-old nephew, 'Can you tell me a restaurant crime? Pro Yakyuu Spirits 2011 Iso more. ' Your nephew thinks for a moment and says, 'Maybe a bad guy bartender opens up his own secret bar inside of his boss's bar and puts up a sign that says 'Bulldawgz Bar' and he starts selling his own stuff to his bad guy biker friends and even lets his bad guy biker friends cook their own nachos in the boss's kitchen and now his boss is losing money! Bs 6465 Sanitary Installations Pdf Files. Sfcedit Keygen Download Mac. ' Guess what: that's not the incoherent babbling of your dumb nephew. It's the incoherent babbling of the producers of Mystery Diners, because that's an actual episode of the series.

Must-See Moments

Hosted by America's Least Charismatic Man Charles Stiles™, the show operates on the premise that all restaurant employees are running the craziest scams possible under their bosses' noses at all times. To that end, Charles (a.k.a. Big Mystery Diner On Campus) comes along to set up hidden cameras and employ undercover Mystery Diners to root out restaurant crimes as they happen. The thing is, these restaurant crimes also happen to be obviously, ridiculously, delightfully, 100% staged and fake Fake FAKE (or so it appears; don't sue us), but are presented to the audience with the straightest face possible. Well, the face of Charles Stiles, to be specific.