Handbook For Arkansas Municipal Officials For Redevelopment

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ELGL is a fast-growing, big-tent organization, connecting and educating local government professionals across Illinois and across the country. Philips Serial Xpress Protocol Definition on this page. The GovLove podcast is the leading podcast about local government, and we look forward to joining ELGL for more episodes of GovLove Legal in 2018. Had over one million views in 2017, and was recently named one of the by State Tech magazine. We are excited about ELGL’s work for local government professionals, and we look forward to being a part of another great year for ELGL. Can a home rule municipality adopt an ordinance that exempts certain records from public inspection, even though those same records may be subject to public inspection under FOIA? No, even home rule municipalities cannot create additional restrictions on public access to information that conflict with FOIA. According to a recent Appellate Court case, while home rule units have the power to expand the duty to disclose records, they lack the authority to exempt from disclosure documents and information for which FOIA mandates disclosure.

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Api 613 Latest Edition Of People. Are records that show which employees of a public body received raises and bonuses subject to release under FOIA? Yes, the PAC has ruled that the names and titles of employees who received raises and bonuses, and the amount of such raises and bonuses, are not exempt from release under FOIA. A public body argued that this information was “private information” under Section 7(1)(b) of FOIA, and that its release would constitute an invasion of privacy under Section 7(1)(c) of FOIA. The public body argued that this information could be used to harass employees. However, the PAC held that records relating to the compensation of public employees are public records subject to release. Further, the PAC found that even if public employees have an expectation of privacy in the amount of compensation they receive, that expectation does not outweigh the public’s legitimate interest in knowing how public funds are expended. In a village with a president and six trustees, how many votes are required to approve an annexation agreement?

Handbook For Arkansas Municipal Officials For RedevelopmentHandbook For Arkansas Municipal Officials For Redevelopment