Hp Support Assistant Silent Install Switches
Sep 22, 2017 Anyone have any advice on how to add the HP Support Assistant tool to MDT applications list? Need to know what switches. Feb 07, 2012 remote uninstalling HP Support Assistant and Skyroom. When I reinstalled HP Support Assistant the new install was in a different named hive. Anyone have any advice on how to add the HP Support Assistant tool to MDT applications list? Need to know what switches. Hp Support Assistant Silent Installation. Healthpointe 2 0 Programming on this page. Files and its contents; In order to circumvent naming issues, I renamed the file HP Hotkey Support.
I'm looking for a script or way to remotely uninstall HP Skyroom and HP Support Assistant from a PC. I'm in an enterprise and seriously would like not to have to touch hundreds of PC's individually. Has anyone else had success uninstalling these apps remotely? I have tested several so far with no luck. One called 'uninstallutility. Ars Notoria Portuguese. hta' by Stuart Barrett looked promising. But failed on these psky HP apps. Both apps can be uninstalled via control panel.
The folder path to the executable is: C: Program Files(x86) Hewlett-Packard HP Skyroom HP.Skyroom.exe and C: Program Files(x86) Hewlett-Packard HP Skyroom HP Support framework HPSF.exe Thanks in advance. Hmm, is it a 64bit machine by any chance? In that case location of the reg key would be a bit different and you would want to check this key Get-ItemProperty HKLM: Software Wow6432 Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Uninstall select DisplayName, UninstallString As you mentioned that you are seeing an uninstall in the Add/Remove Programs, you might want to try looking at 'Product' class of WMI as follows: gwmi Win32_Product ogv Just a bit a caution, If I remember correctly, there is a bug with that class and when you query it, it might go through reconfiguration of msi-installed packages. I believe MS recommended using Win32Reg_AddRemovePrograms, but that suggestion was kinda weird, because the class did not exist unless you installed a product from Microsoft. The app should be visible from wmic: wmic /node:computername product get name,vendor,version takes a little time.
Find the product and run f.ex this to uninstall: wmic /node:computername product where 'name LIKE 'HP Support%' call uninstall (after the% - single quote then double quote) This should uninstall all apps with names starting with HP Support Many machines, make a list containing the computer names. Put the wmic in a bat file (for better control and reuse) uninstallHPSUP.bat: @echo off wmic /node:%1 product get name,vendor,version call it like this: FOR /F 'tokens=1'%i IN (computerlist.txt) DO uninstallHPSUP.bat%i You could also start multiple uninstalls by putting START before wmic in the bat file or before the bat file in the FOR loop. Credit Scoring For Risk Managers Elizabeth Mays Pdf To Excel here. Do a test on a couple of computers first.:).