The Handbook Of Employee Benefits

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Features complete updates of key legislation, including Sarbanes-Oxley, the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001, and the Job Creation and Worker Assistance Act of 2002. Jerry Rosenbloom is past president of the American Risk and Insurance Association and continues to be a popular speaker at national and international programs. This book includes autho Features complete updates of key legislation, including Sarbanes-Oxley, the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001, and the Job Creation and Worker Assistance Act of 2002. Jerry Rosenbloom is past president of the American Risk and Insurance Association and continues to be a popular speaker at national and international programs. This book includes authoritative chapters written by more than 70 experts in the employee benefits field.

If you have more than a few, it's a good idea to create an employee handbook that clearly explains your workplace policies. The benefits of having an employee handbook are many: Every employee receives the same information about the rules of the workplace; your employees will know what you expect from them (and what they can expect from you); and you'll buy yourself valuable legal protection if an employee later challenges you in court. Asus Instanton For Nb Download Games. Thor Patches Rapidshare Downloads.

The Handbook Of Employee Benefits Rosenbloom

Below, we explain the types of policies your handbook should include. For step-by-step instructions, policy language, and forms you can use to generate your own handbook, get, by Amy DelPo and Lisa Guerin (Nolo). What Goes in an Employee Handbook Here are topics to consider including in an employee handbook. Begin the handbook by describing your company's history and business philosophy. State the normal working hours for full-time employees, rules for part-time employees, and how overtime compensation can be authorized for those entitled to it. Xjz Survey Remover Keygen Download Cs6 on this page.

Pay and salaries. Be clear on how you set pay and salaries and how you raise them. Also explain any bonus programs. Explain the rules relating to benefits, including vacation pay, sick pay, unpaid leave, and so on.

For programs run by an outside provider, such as health benefits, other insurance benefits, and retirement benefits, refer employees to the official plan documents that explain the rules.. Drug and alcohol abuse. Many businesses have a policy prohibiting employees from using drugs or alcohol in the workplace. Some require drug testing; some offer to help employees deal with substance abuse through counseling or employee assistance programs. Include this information in your handbook. Use your handbook to remind employees that sexual and other types of harassment are illegal and violate your policies. Let them know that you will not tolerate unwelcome sexual comments or conduct and that you will treat any complaints of harassment seriously.

The Handbook of Employee Benefits has 14 ratings and 2 reviews. Kim said: Would not normally attempt a straight read of a 1,300 page tome on employee ben. If you have more than a few employees, it's a good idea to create an employee handbook that clearly explains your workplace policies. The benefits of having an.

Specify how and to whom an employee can complain of harassment, what procedures you will follow to investigate complaints, and what actions will be taken against harassers. For more information on sexual harassment, see. Emphasize the importance of good attendance and showing up on time. Explain that numerous unexplained absences or repeated tardiness can be a basis for disciplinary action or even firing. Explain the types of conduct can get employees in trouble -- for example, theft, violence, repeated performance problems, or fighting. Be sure to let your employees know that this is not an exclusive list and that you always reserve the right to decide to discipline or fire an employee.