Stewart Bushong Radiologic Science Technologists Pdf Merge

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Patricia A SkundbergRadiologic Science Schools

Book Preface PURPOSE AND CONTENT The purpose of Radiologic Science for Technologists: Physics, Biology, and Protection is threefold: to convey a working knowledge of radiologic physics, to prepare radiography students for the certification examination by the ARRT, and to provide a base of knowledge from which practicing radiographers can make informed decisions about technical factors, diagnostic image quality, and radiation management for both patients and personnel. This textbook provides a solid presentation of radiologic science, including the fundamentals of radiologic physics, diagnostic imaging, radiobiology, and radiation management. Special topics include mammography, fluoroscopy, interventional radiology, multislice helical computed tomography, and the various modes of digital imaging. The fundamentals of radiologic science cannot be removed from mathematics, but this textbook does not assume a mathematics background for the readers. The few mathematical equations presented are always followed by sample problems with direct clinical application.

As a further aid to learning, all mathematical formulas are highlighted with their own icon. Likewise, the most important ideas under discussion are presented with their own colorful penguin icon and box: The tenth edition improves this popular feature of information bullets by including even more key concepts and definitions in each chapter. This textbook also presents learning objectives, chapter overviews, and chapter summaries that encourage students and make the text user-friendly for all. Challenge Questions at the end of each chapter include definition exercises, shortanswer questions, and a few calculations. These questions can be used for homework assignments, review sessions, or self-directed testing and practice. Answers to all questions are provided on the Evolve site at HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE For seven decades after Roentgen’s discovery of x-rays in 1895, diagnostic radiology remained a relatively stable field of study and practice.

Truly great changes during that time can be counted on one hand: the Crookes tube, the radiographic grid, radiographic intensifying screens, and image intensification. Since the publication of the first edition of this textbook in 1975, however, newer systems for diagnostic imaging have come into routine use: multislice helical computed tomography, computed radiography, digital radiography, and digital fluoroscopy. Truly spectacular advances in computer technology and x-ray tube and image receptor design have made these innovations possible, and they continue to transform diagnostic imaging. Gpt Website Php Script Raritan more. NEW TO THIS EDITION Currently we are accelerating to all-digital imaging. Digital radiography is replacing screen-film radiography rapidly and this requires that radiologic technologists acquire a new and different fund of knowledge in addition to what has been required previously—and in the same length of training time! The chapters of the book have been reorganized, consolidated, and updated to reflect the current imaging environment Download Ebook Read Now File Type Upload Date PDF November 16, 2016 Do you like this book?