Shapefile Repair Tool 1000 Ways To Die

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I have a shapefile that I was working on in ArcGIS Desktop 9.3 get corrupted somehow and it gives me the error 'Number of shapes does not match the number of table records.' What I would want is to recover this shapefile as it has a lot of edits that other revisions of the file do not have. Earlier I recovered from this error using but the tool now just crashes. I have even tried the command line version ogr2ogr but still no luck. This script, from the ArcScripts website didn't help either. (except that I stop using shapefiles) Here is the output from ogr2ogr (based on a a suggestion in the answers). The the error messages reveal much.

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Those numbers of points and parts indicate values between 2^30 and 2^32 (unsigned), strongly suggesting extensive physical overwriting of record headers in the.shp file itself (because they would not be valid counts, ever). It's therefore highly likely the data in those records has been overwritten, too. In short, your shape data probably no longer exist, at least in many portions of the.shp file, and therefore are not recoverable by software.

Restore from your backups and start from there. – Mar 29 '11 at 17:30 •. Lexus Is200 Repair Manual. Ok, here's another trick to add to the pile of good answers above.

This one's a bit more brute force, most of the time it helps, sometimes it doesn't, and while it's probably only a first step toward fixing the problem (rather than a solution unto itself, which it's often not), it can help get you to where you can open the shapefile. Most cases you'll still need to do more manual repair in ArcMap after the shapefile opens (corrupt features?, missing attributes? Misaligned attributes? Etc.) • Copy the shapefile into a new empty folder. Only take the SHP, SHX, and DBF with you. Leave all other files behind, and yes that includes the prj. • (Windows): right-click the SHX file and select 'Properties' to open the file properties.