Driver Trio Stealth Pro7

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Procedure below is due to posting by: How to Root the Trio Stealth Pro 9.7 (a.k.a. Trio Stealth Pro 9.7C 4.0) The Trio Stealth Pro 9.7 is Mach Speed Technologies' second entry into the Android Tablet market. Their first entry was the Trio Stealth Pro 7 and it came already rooted. Unfortunately this one, its bigger brother, did not come rooted. But our friend Bin4ry has come up with an innovative solution that works on many ICS and JB tablets and phones.

Mar 11, 2014 Computer does not recognize Trio Stealth. What driver do I need? And where do I get it?

Trio Stealth Pro 9.7Trio Stealth Pro 7 Tablet Android 4.0

And fortunately for us it works on the Trio Stealth Pro 9.7. His post titled Root MANY ANDROID! [Upd: ] can be found on this forum at: Be sure to view his 'How to' video on youtube before attempting this You will see in the video he says to test the adb drivers and to not attempt this root until you pass that test. So here is my real contribution in that the folks at Mach Speed have a nearly useless support site that hasn't been updated to include either Stealth Pro tablet in any case. Huawei E3231 Drivers For Donglegate.

So what you need to know is that the Trio Stealth 9.7 is basically a rebranded MOMO11 Bird edition. Then you need to find a Spanish language forum post that refers you to the following site for the MOMO11 Bird edition (upgraded to 4.0. Flying Free Don Besig Pdf File. 4) drivers: Get the drivers here - PLEASE NOTE: this procedure will not work unless Device Manager recognizes your tablet as a 'Android Phone' and installs the proper drivers so that a ADB Bridge Interface is noted under Device Manager. Please use the driver above to update your tablet's drivers within Device Manager so that your PC can properly communicate with the tablet.

Without have a ADB Bridge connect, the 'root-me.bat' will note work. Smithmal Edited by smithmal, 03 December 2012 - 01:35 PM.